Achieve Wellness

Helping you achieve all of your goals!

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Words to Live By – 8/1/2022

This is a deep one for a Monday, but the Universe was very insistent that this message needed to be shared.

What kind of world would we have if we stopped and reflected on how what we think, say, and act impacts our HIGHEST good and the highest good of all?

Stop for a moment and think about what that would look like: a world full of people acting in support of not only their highest good but the highest good of all. Making choices that benefit everyone involved. Getting your cake, eating it too, and having enough to share with others.

Ask yourself:

Does it serve your highest good and the good of all others to flip off a driver you think is driving too slowly?

Does it serve your highest good and the good of all others to complain about your job, family, friends, or your government on social media?

Does it serve your highest good and the good of all others to judge the color of someone’s skin, who they worship, or whom they choose to marry?

Before you make your next decision or take your next action that involves yourself and others, stop, take a breath and ask your higher power: God, Buddha, a Tree Spirit, Mother Nature, or whom every you feel connected to as a guiding force, “What serves my highest good and the highest good of all”.

It will take practice and effort but the rewards you will reap will not only benefit you but all of us. It is worth it.

We can build a world where everyone lives in kindness, respect, and harmony. A world where we take care of each other and the planet. A world where we can all be happy being ourselves.

Isn’t THAT the world for which we are all looking ?

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Words to Live By – 7/30/2022

We go through life assuming that those we love know that we love them. We think that our words and deeds prove our love. And they do. But how often do we sit down and look a friend or family member in the eye and say with sincerity, “I love you”. Not as often as we should.

So today, pick a friend or a family member (or a complete stranger if you’re so inclined) and with complete presence and genuineness tell them you love them. Tell them why if you choose or simply tell them and leave it at that.

Do it in person if you can or through a video chat, but make a person to person connection.

Don’t require a response back and don’t be upset if they don’t respond the way you think they should. Your purpose in this exercise is to share your feelings with your loved one and the Universe. Your words of love with do a great deal to positively impact both.

Have a happy healthy day and a great weekend!

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Words to Live By – 7/27

Make a list of all of the things you are grateful for: your family, friends, home, health, job, possessions, experiences, etc.

Then pay attention to how your attitude and your day change for the better.

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Words to Live By – 7/26/2022

We have all had a thought, an idea, or a dream we felt drawn to follow and explore. Whether it was a childhood dream to be an astronaut or a goal to start your own business at age 50, we have all felt the tug at our hearts and minds to follow a path.

But, for many of us, we have also heard the words of friends, foes and loved ones telling us it is impossible: “You’re too old”, “You’re not smart enough”, “You don’t have the time/money”, “No one has done that before”, “You should give up”.

The thought today is, when you feel that pull, when you know in your heart you should follow a dream, DO IT!

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Kindness Challenge – Week 5

These days it is all too easy to look at the world and see what is wrong. Disease, violence, injustice, bullying, anger, and hatred seem all too common.

The world is divided into US versus THEM. If you aren’t with me, you’re against me.

It appears that no news is good news, literally.

But is that really true? Is there nothing good going on in the world?

The answer is an unequivocal, “NO”

Recently in the face of a local tragedy my community stepped up to show what’s possible. The acts of kindness and compassion were in numerable. It was truly amazing to see the outpouring of kindness that my community exhibited. Yes, there were a few negative ninnies and naysayers. But people in the community came together to make the community stronger, to help others, to show kindness, to show compassion, to show courage, and to show love. It was truly inspirational to witness.

That’s why this week my challenge to you is to look for kindness in the world.

Every day look for one act of kindness, whether it be an inspirational story on YouTube, an article in the paper about someone who helped a neighbor in need, or a story of two very different animals coming together and being friends. Whatever it is, search out acts of kindness around the world.

If you look for them, you will find them. I promise kindness and compassion abound if you choose see them.

For a few minutes every day for the next week, set aside the negativity, the fighting, the arguing, the cruelty, and the hypocrisy and look for the good!

Focus your attention for just a few minutes on those good stories. Share them with others. Repeat them over and over.

Focus on kindness and you will see more kindness. It will start to pop up in front of you everywhere, but you have to look for it.

Take the time look for the kindness, share the kindness, be kindness and we will have a kinder world.

Please, share this challenge with your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers! The more people choose kindness and compassion the more we all benefit!

Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook.

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Eat a Rainbow – Here Comes the Sun

This is week 4 in our series, Improve Your Health,Eat a Rainbow. So far we have looked at the GREEN and RED groups. This week we are exploring the YELLOW and ORANGE foods.

Foods in the orange/yellow group contain Vitamin C, alpha-carotene, and the phytonutrient, hesperidin.

Vitamin C is important for tissue regeneration, decreasing cholesterol and triglycerides, and strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and can help prevent cancer. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron.

Alpha-carotene is a member of the carotenoid family, that also includes beta-carotene. Carotenoids are antioxidants that reduce free radical damage to tissues that can lead to cancer and heart disease. In addition, the body converts alpha and beta carotene to Vitamin A. Vitamin A supports healthy skin, eyes, and immune system.

Hesperidin, found in citrus fruits, is a flavonoid with anti inflammatory properties and can improve circulation.

Orange and yellow foods can boost your immune system, protect against cancer and heart disease, and keep your skin and eyes healthy and beautiful. Adding 1 or 2 orange/yellow fruits or vegetables to your daily diet can help you reach your goal of 5-7 servings per day.

Try these recipes to add more orange and yellow foods to your diet:

Butternut Squash Lasagna

Pineapple Papaya Salsa

Are you ready to learn more healthy nutritional habits? Join my nutritional coaching program and learn how you can get in the best health of your life. Join now! Invest in your health and your life!

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Get Happy

Last Monday, I suggested you spend a few minutes of your day doing something that makes you happy ( Do Something…). Don’t worry if you missed it, because this week you are going to have the opportunity to do it again AND even more!

This week I encourage you to:

Here are some tips:

  • Try playing with your dog, going for a run, taking a nature walk, playing a game with your kids, reading a book, doing tai chi, meditating, baking cookies, or even sitting on your back porch listening to the birds sing.
  • Feel free to do the same activity every day or change it up from day-to-day, whatever feels good to you.
  • Don’t stress out! Do your best to get 15 minutes in each day. If you have a day where you simply cannot spend the full 15 minutes, try for 5-6 minutes instead.
  • Take notice of how you feel and how your week progresses.

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    Love Yourself, Reach Your Goals

    What goals did you set for yourself this year? Do you want to: run a marathon, lose 20 pounds, get a new job, find your soulmate, pay off your credit cards, or buy a new home?

    No matter what your goals are for 2019, you cannot expect to achieve them if you don’t believe you deserve them. Believing you deserve to make your goal a reality is a crucial step in reaching that goal and yet, I often find when working with clients it is missing from the goal setting equation!

    Believing you deserve to have, be, or do anything you want is about loving yourself enough to allow yourself to have, be, or do whatever it is you are wanting.

    If you do not love yourself, you will never have the power to press forward with your goal when the road gets rocky and challenges emerge. Instead, you will start to doubt yourself and your abilities and start believing the naysayers and negative Nancy’s’.

    See if this sounds familiar:

    “What was I thinking? I’ll never be able to lose weight. I don’t have the willpower.”


    ” Mom was right. Men don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.”

    If you want to finally get on track to achieving your goals and stay on track you MUST start loving and believing in yourself!

    Here is a little exercise to get you started:

    • Find a mirror. Any mirror will work, it can be the mirror in your bathroom, a hand mirror, or the visor mirror in your car. If you can’t find a mirror “selfie mode”on your phone will work.
    • Look at yourself in the mirror. Look directly into your own eyes. For some of you, this may be uncomfortable. Take a breath and power through. You CAN do this.
    • While looking into your eyes, state out loud at least 10 things you LOVE about yourself. They can be anything; physical attributes, habits, behaviors, attitudes, accomplishments…

    “I love my soft silky hair.”

    “I love that I am a hard worker.”

    “I love that I am intelligent.”

    “I love that I finished my work project ahead of schedule and got compliments from my boss.”

    Be creative! Have fun! Enjoy the process. Allow yourself to feel good.

    Do this exercise every day for a month and take notice of how your life starts to shift and your goals get closer to reality. You will be glad you did!

    Let us know how the exercise worked for you, LIKE, us on Facebook and leave a message!

    Until next time, have a happy healthy day!