Achieve Wellness

Helping you achieve all of your goals!

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Thank You Thursday 

What and who are you grateful for in your relationships?  Take some time today to write out your list.

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook.  Thank You in advance!

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Clear the Clutter

In elementary school, I had a teacher who loved to proclaim, “A messy desk, is a messy mind.”  At the time, I had no idea what she meant, other than my desk was a mess.

As it turns out, my teacher was right (grrrrr…).  A messy home, car, or desk is often a reflection of what is going on in our mind.  If we have a closet stuffed full of old, worn out clothes we never wear, it is a good bet that we are carrying around some old, worn out beliefs that are blocking our ability to manifest our desires.  After all, how can you expect to get the job of your dreams if your head is cluttered with old thoughts and feelings about how you have failed in the past, you aren’t smart enough, or you that you don’t have enough education.

If our refrigerator is littered with 1/2 filled bottles of ketchup, moldy vegetables, and dried juice puddles, it can give us an indication of what we feel we deserve in our life.  We feel we don’t deserve to have fresh, new things to nourish our life so we hold on to little bits and pieces of garbage and debris just in case we need them.

As long as we are hoarding and hanging on to the old, how can we have room for the new things we desire?

So, over the next 5 days, I encourage you to clear out the old from your life to make way for the new wonderful dreams you are trying to create.

I did this a few weeks ago and I find that my mind is clearer,  I am more grateful for the things I have, and I feel like I have room to move and grow.

Here is the schedule I used:

Day 1 – Clean out your closet – We all have those t-shirts, jeans, and socks we keep around “just in case”.  For Day 1, get rid of 5-10 things from your closet that you have not worn in 6 months.  Throw away the really old, worn items, then sell or donate the rest.

Day 2 – Clear out your bathroom cabinet – Most of us have several bottles of partially full lotion or shampoo, soap chips, and toothpaste tubes with just a tiny bit of paste inside that we keep hanging around under our sinks or in the medicine cabinet.  Stop hoarding personal care items.  Combine bottles of lotion and shampoo, toss the flat toothpaste tube, and blend those soap chips with some water to make a liquid soap.  What you can’t combine throw away (be mindful of disposing of these items safely as some may be toxic).

Day 3 – Clean out your refrigerator – This can be a tedious and disgusting job, but trust me nothing will give you a feeling of accomplishment like a clean fridge.  Just like with your bath combine ketchup bottles and mustard jars when possible, check expiration dates and get rid of anything that is past its prime, wipe the shelves, and toss old, dried up, moldy food.

Day 4 – Declutter your office – Go through your desk drawers and throw away or shred old papers and receipts, and throw away pens/pencils.  Sort and organized office supplies in colorful containers.  Create a filing system that keeps documents and important papers neat and out-of-the-way.

Day 5 – Clear out your car – Collect and throw away any litter or trash, collect the change from under your seats and donate it, and declutter the center console .  Get you car washed and vacuumed or have it detailed inside and out if you have the funds.

As you clear the clutter from your physical life be aware of the thoughts and emotions that come to the surface.  Acknowledge those thoughts/feelings and express gratitude for the positive ones and do your favorite clearing technique to release the negative ones.  You may even want to keep a journal of how things change in your mind and in your life as you go through the process.

If you need help decluttering your mind, I am available to help one-on-one.  Send me a message at to schedule your session.

Also, feel free to share with other readers your experience with this decluttering process in the comment section!

Have FUN and Good Luck!!!

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Get Fit with All-Natural Supplements

The supplements we take are only as good as the ingredients they contain.  Whether you want to lose weight, cleanse your liver, or detoxify your body, Global Healing Center has the supplements you need to reach your health goals.  

I love their blog, too.  It is full of fantastic health and wellness information you may have never read before.  Even if you don’t need supplements there is plenty of information you can use to improve your health.

Global Healing Center® is a leading natural health provider offering natural and organic supplements, cleanses, and a wealth of free natural health articles.

Check them out today! You will be glad you did!


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Notes from the Universe

Need a little inspiration?  

Sign up for “Notes from the Universe” from Mike Dooley ( you probably remember him from The Secret).

Every day, the Universe will send you a fun, thought-provoking, inspirational message to keep you focused on the positive side of life.

I have been getting the notes for years and I look forward to opening my email each day to read what the Universe has to tell me that day.

Sign Up Here.  The Universe is waiting!


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Are Your Vitamins Working for You?

The truth about most vitamins is they are loaded with fillers, binders, and low quality ingredients.  This prevents them from being absorbed into the body.  If the vitamins aren’t absorbed, how do they work?  The answer is simple, THEY DON’T.

Check out this video from PureTrim to learn the best way to take your vitamins:


Just give it a try.  Place your order today!

I promise you won’t be disappointed.  I use it every day and it gives me energy to power through my busy days of training clients as well as my own training sessions!