Achieve Wellness

Helping you achieve all of your goals!

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Take time to Be Active This Week

  • Take a walk on your lunch break
  • Play tag with your kids
  • Start your day with a short morning jog
  • Ride your bike to Saturday morning coffee

Choose activities you enjoy and have fun!

Remember being physically active is good for your mind, body, and spirit!

Have a happy healthy day!!!!

Please “LIKE” us on Facebook!

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It’s Not Too Late to Reach Your Health and Fitness Goals in 2018

Is it safe to say you could have put a bit more time into your diet and exercise in 2018? (and maybe a year or two before that as well)

Question: Are you ready to take the first step towards getting things under control?

Terrific! Because it is not too late to start working toward the health and fitness goals you set for 2018.

There is a program that has a proven track record with over 45,000 people AND nearly 1 million pounds of body fat lost!

As a certified nutritional coach and personal trainer and as part of the most successful weight management program in the world, I can help you on your personal health and fitness journey and increase your chances of FINALLY becoming the healthiest you possible.

This approach is so thorough, there are too many details to list here. Contact me at the email address listed below to set up your complimentary 15 minute consultation.

Full disclosure, this program may NOT be for everyone and you ARE going to have to put some work in!

So, if you are ready to lose body fat, have more energy, and learn to live a healthier lifestyle, take the first step, email me today and get started on the path to success!

Email me today at

And LIKE us on Facebook (its a great place to find free tips and recipes)!

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Eating Mindfully Can Help You Reach Your Health Goals

Whether your goal is to lose weight, improve your health markers (cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.), or just to feel more energetic and healthy, good nutrition is the best way to achieve your goal.

While having a solid nutritional plan is the best way to achieve your goal, just being in tune with and aware of your nutrition can make a big difference. That’s why I find mindful eating a great way to get in touch with what and why you are eating.

With mindful eating, you take the time to focus on not just what you are eating, but why you are eating, and how the experience makes you feel. Mindful eating gets you in touch with your personal hunger cues, improves your ability to taste your food, and makes the eating experience more pleasurable.

So, how do you practice mindful eating?

The first step you should take when eating mindfully is to get quiet. This may mean eating alone at first to avoid distractions or getting away from your desk or office. I had a friend that regularly ate lunch in her car so she could have time to herself to eat. Think of meal time as a type of meditation, connect with the experience, eat slowly, and enjoy it.

Once you have gotten quiet and focused, ask yourself:

  1. “Am I hungry?”

If your stomach is growling, you feel weak or shaky, you are irritable, or have a headache then you are probably hungry. If not, then perhaps it is better to wait until you are truly hungry. Now, this does not mean skipping meals or starving yourself. However, as you get in touch with what physiological hunger feels like, you will be better able to take in nutrition when you body needs it.

  • 2. “Do I want to eat?”
  • Sometimes our habits and emotions get the best of us and we eat because we think we are supposed to, “Hey, it’s 4pm it must be snack time”, “I haven’t eaten for 3 hours I’m not hungry but I better eat something anyhow”, or “Damn, that meeting was really stressful, I need a candy bar.” In these cases asking ourselves if we really want to eat or are simply responding to habit and emotions can keep us from making poor nutritional choices.
  • 3. “Does this food choice support my goals?”
  • If your goal is to lose weight, eating a big bowl of popcorn and a box of chocolate covered raisins at the movies is not the best way to achieve your goal. Likewise, having a burger and fries won’t help your reduce your cholesterol. Asking yourself if the food choice supports your goal reminds you of what you are working so hard to achieve and can stop you from making a poor choice. If, after you ask the question, your response is to still eat the food then you must be willing to accept responsibility for the choice. Looking great in those jeans or ice cream, which is more important?
  • Once you have started eating, focus on the experience. What does the food taste like, what’s its texture, how does eating make you feel, are you enjoying it? Eat slowly and consider these questions as you go along.

    Every few bites, stop and ask yourself, “Am I satisfied?” If you are then stop eating. If your answer is, “no”, then take a few more bites and ask again. Remember, it takes 20 minutes for your body to register fullness so take your time.

    Eating mindfully takes work, and it is likely you will not be able to do it with every meal especially in the beginning. Start slowly and shoot for practicing for 2 meals every day.

    If the process seems overwhelming, that’s ok. Start slowly with 1 thing at a time. Perhaps you can find a quiet distraction free place to eat and just do that for a few days. Next you can ask yourself 1 or 2 of the questions. Once it is your habit to check in before eating, then you can move on to another question or step. Progress at your pace. The key objective here is simply to create awareness of your eating in relation to your goals. Do not obsess over it, make it fun, enjoy eating!

    If you need help building your nutritional plan or if you would like help learning to eat mindfully, I am here to help. Email me at for a complimentary 15 minute consultation.

    Have fun and as always, Have a happy healthy day.

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    We’re Growing!

    Achieve Wellness is growing and I am looking to add a few new clients to our nutritional guidance program.

    This program teaches participants simple, effective lifestyle changes that can put you on the road to the best body and best health of your life. And thanks to the techniques you learn in the program you’ll learn how to stay there. No fad diets or short term results here. In fact, this is a long term program that progresses you slowly so you have time to absorb and master your new habits. If you are in a rush to lose weight, this is not the program for you.

    If you are interested in finding out how you can finally learn to live a healthy life rather than diet, click the link below and fill out our “New Client Survey”. Space in the program is limited, so don’t wait too long.

    Yes, I am ready to get healthy!

    What do you have to lose (except a few pounds)?

    Thank you and have a happy healthy day.

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    10 Small Steps To Improve Your Health in 2018

    Every new year, many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or run a marathon. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health.

    “Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine,” says James O. Hill, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. “They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change.”

    Here are 10 to try:

    1. Make time everyday for physical activity.  Going to the gym is great, but using the stairs at the office, walking the dog, playing tag with your kids, or doing bodyweight exercise while watching TV are fabulous ways to be active without becoming a gymrat.  Shoot for at least 20-30 minutes of physical activities each day.

    2. Take more small steps. Use a pedometer to count your daily steps; then add 2,000, the equivalent of one extra mile. Keep adding steps, 1,000 to 2,000 each month or so, until you take 10,000 steps on most days.

    3. Eat breakfast. Breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and have better diets overall.   Try   egg white and veggie cups or a cottage cheese danish.

    4. Switch three grain servings each day to whole grain. If you’re like the average American, you eat less than one whole grain serving a day.  Quinoa, slow-cooking oats, and whole grain bread are great options.

    5. Have at least one green salad every day. Eating a salad (with low-fat or fat-free dressing) is filling and may help you eat less during the meal. It also counts toward your five daily cups of vegetables and fruits.

    6. Trim the fat. Fat has a lot of calories, and calories count. Purchase lean meats, eat poultry without the skin, switch to lower-fat cheeses, use a nonstick pan with only a dab of oil or butter.

    7. Consider calcium by including two or three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt. Dairy calcium is good for bones and may also help you lose weight.

    8. Downsize. The smaller the bag, bottle or bowl, the less you will eat.

    9. Lose just 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are huge-lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

    10. Keep track of your eating. Write down everything you eat and look for problem spots. Often, just writing things down can help you eat less.  MyFitnessPal and MyPlate both have terrific FREE food journal apps.



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    Friday Fit



    If you are having trouble achieving your health and fitness goals, I can help.  Fill out the form below for a complimentary 15 minute health and fitness goal evaluation.


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    Friday Fit

    This week’s Friday Fit comes from Hello Healthy’s blog:

    How to Find an Accountabilibuddy


    If you need help creating or reaching your goals, I can help.  Contact me for information on ways I can help you make your dreams reality.


    Friday Fit

    This week it seems like the theme with my clients has been, BORING FOOD!!!!

    Despite a plethora of delicious and fun summer foods to choose from, they can’t break out of the mode of eating the same thing day in and day out.

    So, this week I have been having some fun trying out some new recipes to bring fun and flavor back to summer eating.

    Here are a few I’ve been working on:

    Grilled Chile Mint Shrimp


    I am not a big fan of shrimp so I tried this recipe with chicken breasts.  I liked the marinade, but it was a bit too bland for chicken.  I think it will do better with the richer flavor of shrimp.

    Grilled Watermelon Caprese Salad

    This was definitely a YUM!!!!!!  I used yellow grape tomatoes rather than red.


    Today, I am going to try potato salad with pesto rather than mayonnaise.  I will let you know how it turns out.

    Until then ENJOY!!!


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    Get Fit with All-Natural Supplements

    The supplements we take are only as good as the ingredients they contain.  Whether you want to lose weight, cleanse your liver, or detoxify your body, Global Healing Center has the supplements you need to reach your health goals.  

    I love their blog, too.  It is full of fantastic health and wellness information you may have never read before.  Even if you don’t need supplements there is plenty of information you can use to improve your health.

    Global Healing Center® is a leading natural health provider offering natural and organic supplements, cleanses, and a wealth of free natural health articles.

    Check them out today! You will be glad you did!