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Take the 24 Hour Opportunity Challenge – Reblog

I first read this post on Rex Sikes’ blog, “Daily Inspiration and Gratitude“.

I usually try to find the opportunity or lesson in every experience, but I thought, “Hey, it can’t hurt to make this my focus for 24 hours.”

Here is what I experienced:

     The first challenge that popped into my mind when I began the challenge was in a relationship with a friend of mine.  When I would invite him to go to lunch or out for drinks, my invitation would be met with, “Well, let me see how the week goes.” or “I’ll let you know.”  Texts and messages often went unanswered for days, if they were answered at all.  This left me feeling  as though I was the backup plan if nothing better to do came along and as a result I felt hurt and frustrated.  I recognize this as a pattern in many friendships throughout my life.  When I looked for the opportunity in this situation, I realized this was an opportunity to say to my friend, The Universe, and most importantly myself, “Hey, I deserve better!”   It showed me that rather than fussing and feeling bad, I need to stand up for myself and make myself a priority in my own life and in the lives of my friends, family, etc.  AND to release the relationships in which I am simply a backup plan.

     The second opportunity I encountered during my “Challenge” involved a personal training client.  He had forgotten to bring his athletic shoes and showed up instead in dress shoes.  Not exactly the best option for our normally intense personal train sessions.  Rather than become flustered, I saw an opportunity to take him through a more core and balance focused routine, something he is usually opposed to doing when he trains with me (he likes to do that stuff on his own).  As a result, we found some flaws in his form and were able to improve on them to get him better results when he trains alone.

     The main thing I realized during the 24 hours, is that I have very few challenges during my day.  Now that I am in the mindset to make opportunities out of challenges I notice how relatively few challenges I face on a daily basis.  I have never really thought of my days as particularly difficult but I was amazed and rather pleased with how few problems I encounter.  True, there are a few things I struggle with, but now I can look for and appreciate the opportunity to change or do something different.  It has been a tremendous lesson learned!


Now, its your turn.  Click the link below to find out how to take the challenge.

Take the 24 Hour Opportunity Challenge

Take note of what you learn and experience.  Share your revelations with friends, family, coworkers, your journal, or in the comment section below.


If you find you are having difficulty reframing challenges into opportunities, life coaching may be a beneficial way to get started.  For more information on what life coaching is read my blog, What is Life Coaching?  OR fill out the contact form below: